Dr. Murray Stewart
My educational journey began at University of Waterloo, graduating in 1982 with a Kinesiology degree. I continued at Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College, graduating in 1986 with a Doctor of Chiropractic degree. The next 33 years have included postgraduate programs in Occupational Health Consulting, Homeopathy, Acupuncture and Animal Chiropractic. My interests in practice have included optimizing health in pre- and postnatal care, children’s injuries and ailments, sports injuries, occupational injuries, and for the past 12 years, chiropractic treatment of animals. My treatment regime may include, but is not limited to: chiropractic adjustments, laser, electrotherapy, pulsed magnetic therapy, mechanized traction, Footmaxx custom orthotics, acupuncture, and exercise therapy. I look forward to working with you to improve your neuromusculoskeletal health for optimal wellness.

If you would like to book in with Dr. Murray Stewart please use the information below
Online booking - drmurraystewart.janeapp.com
Email- murray.stewart59@gmail.com
Phone - (289) 264-9101